1 lis 2011

Zebra3 - cloud refuge

Zebra 3/Buy-Sellf created this harbor for a non profit organization . Seven people can sleep in this cool cloud. A really nice project to spend your night on a cloud ;)

30 cze 2011

Holidays (for someone)

Hi! I found this photo on Facebook, but I did't sure who do it. But it's cute somehow, and it let me remember about times, when I had 2-3 months of summer break. That was wonderful times. Anyway, otherwise how many days or months without work/school you have in this year, I wish you best rest, fun and satisfaction with life ever ;)

31 maj 2011

flowers & squirrels

I love everything with squirrels :D

eco bike

designer's own words:
'why does our bicycle need to be connected to light poles by chains like a criminal in prison? 
inspired by nature, the design of this cable wire lock is a mimicry of ivy. it is unified in our daily 
scene and promotes protection of the environment. it is soft and feels natural. 'ivy' is a plug 
to awaken the relationship between you and society. 4 dial number lock, steel wire + silicon gom 
covered. 2 sizes: short (900mm), long (1500mm)'

'ivy' by sono mocci

19 mar 2011

Camera Obscura - Rubikon 2 by Jaroslav Juřica

If someone love photography, he can create a paper camera (camer obscura) by his own.

For instruction and printable pdf, visit 